Join the Pack! WLDR online employment application WAGGING LOUNGE DOG RESORT 9315 Snowden River Parkway, Suite MColumbia, Maryland 21046 +1 (443) 546-3391 [email protected] Online Employment Application First Name(Required) Last Name(Required) Email(Required) Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone(Required)How did you hear about us?(Required) Website Drive By Google Referral Yelp! Social Media - Facebook / Instagram Other Which of the following positions are you applying for?(Required) Daycare Attendant Bather - Bath & Spa Receptionist Shift Supervisor or Team Lead Are you applying for Full or Part-time Employment?(Required) Full Time Part Time Flexible Seasonal/Winter Break/Summer Break Please mark the days you are available for a MORNING shift (from hours between 7am-2pm)(Required) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Please mark the days you are available for an Evening shift (from hours between 12pm-7pm)(Required) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday What are your hourly or salary requirements?(Required) When are you able to start working at WAGGING LOUNGE DOG RESORT?(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Attendance & Punctuality are a MUST. Do you have your own vehicle or reliable transportation?(Required) Why do you want to work at Wagging Lounge Dog Resort?(Required) What skills do you possess that you think make you uniquely qualified for the position you are applying for?(Required) EDUCATION: Please check ALL that apply.(Required) Currently in High School High School Graduate Currently in College, University, or Community College College Graduate Other High School Name and Address attended:(Required) College Name and Address attended:(Required) WORK EXPERIENCE: List your last 2 positions held. Include Company Name, Position, Address, Supervisor name, Phone Number, Hire Date, Termination Date, and Reason for leaving your position. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MAY ALSO ATTACH A RESUME IF NEEDED WITH THE LINK BELOW.(Required)Optional: Please attach a resume if you prefer.Max. file size: 100 MB.Have you ever been convicted of a felony or any animal cruelty offense? If YES, please explain in detail.(Required) PERSONAL REFERENCES: Please list up to 2 Personal References. Include Name, Address, Phone Number, How long you have known them, and How you know them.(Required)I certify that the facts that are contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if employed, falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for dismissal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references and employees listed above to give Wagging Lounge Dog Resort any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they might have, personal or otherwise, and release Wagging Lounge Dog Resort from all liability or any damage that may result from utilization of such information. I also understand and agree that no representative of Wagging Lounge Dog Resort has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in writing and signed by a the President of Wagging Lounge Dog Resort. I authorize Wagging Lounge Dog Resort to complete a thorough background check on me. I understand that my employment with Wagging Lounge Dog Resort is At-Will. This means my employment is for an indefinite period of time, and is subject to termination by the employee or Wagging Lounge Dog Resort, with or without cause, with or without notice, and at any time.(Required) I AGREE with this statement and provide my electronic signature below. I DISAGREE with this statement and rescind my name form this application. PROSPECTIVE WAGGING LOUNGE DOG RESORT EMPLOYEE STATEMENT: First, thank you for your interest in wanting to be a pack mate with WAGGING LOUNGE DOG RESORT. Please read the following statement carefully so that we may give you a more realistic view of what working at our facility entails and the demands that are presented by our pet parents and the pet industry. We’ve found that many applicants don’t have a realistic view of what working at a dog daycare & boarding facility is like, and this is a simple letter to give you a brief overview. We are seeking people who genuinely love animals, are mature, and are ready to take on the responsibilities of the tasks & challenges placed in front of them. Although our main focus is on the interaction and play with our client’s dogs, we also feed them, administer medications, see to their comfort & security, and clean up after them. There will be a share of mundane and unpleasant chores that need to be performed by all team members. Poop needs to be picked up, floors will need mopping, trash emptied, waste emptied, and applicants must be able to lift 50lbs. Did we mention that poop will need to be picked up? Lots of poop! This requires a pack leader with maturity, dedication, and hard work. One of our goals to our pack mates is to teach skills and add experience to their time spent with us, as well as trying to make the best use of their previous skills and talents. We are seeking team members whom are flexible, dependable, and understand that our busiest days fall on holidays, weekends, spring break, and summers. In addition, this business is seasonal in nature, and hours or days may vary. Pets must be cared for 7 days a week so weekends and holidays are a must. We realize that working under these conditions can be difficult for some people, and your dependability is critical in this area. Please note that this is an ill-suited position for any person who is allergic to animal hair/fur or sensitive to chemicals.(Required) I AGREE with the statement above and provide my Electronic Signature below.Electronic Signature(Required) First Last Today's Date:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Please add any other comments or questions here. Thank you for your interest in being part of a great Pack! CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Now Hiring Dog Friendly & Passionate People Join the Wagging Lounge Team